Saturday, 14 December 2013

Side Effects Spoiler

Side Effects is an unusual murder-mystery in that the main question isn't about who the killer is. Instead, we wonder whether the motive of the killer - Emily(Rooney Mara), a depressed woman dealing with her husband’s release from jail—might have been some unpleasant side effects from a new antidepressant she is taking. Those who have already seen the movie know that’s not exactly the full story: that the “sleepwalking” was premeditated—and all of the typical movie-mystery questions are unraveled by her doctor (Jude Law) at movie’s end.

But was Emily really faking illness all along, or is there something wrong in her head beyond mere greed and anger? And, if she was faking it, how should the audience feel about where she ends up—committed, in a Kafkaesque twist that dooms her by her own protestations of healthiness, to a mental institution. Emily winds up right where she belongs which becomes the ending for this film.

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